Aku percaya diri aku ini tabah. Aku tetap tabah dalam apa jua keadaan. Sejak dilahirkan aku x pernah kenal erti mengalah. Setiap yang aku inginkan pasti aku kejar smpai aku gapai benda itu. Itu pasti dengan keizinanMu Allahu Rabbi.
Sejak kali pertama aku menjejakkan kaki ke Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology, aku mula yakin dengan langkah aku untuk mencapai cita2 aku sebagai seorang LICENSED AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER. Because I want to be a person that fully responsible for a particular aircraft. That is my passion. I have dreamed on entering this field during my secondary school(F2).
But now, I really dissapointed. Kerana sewaktu aku di usia 17 Tahun, aku kurang knowledge on this field. I never know what is MATA, APR, METC/DILOG. Aku hanya kenal Unikl MIAT untuk aviation. Aku akui MIAT mmg tempat yang hebat. Adanya hangar yg besar. Lots of aircraft. But, there would be very useless when no one still unable to sit for the DCAM Part 66.
Ni lah hangar kt tempat aku blajar. |
Tika inilah aku mula merasai kehadiran perasaan putus asa. Aku rasa seolah2 aku buang masa di sini. Memang betul apa org ckp " Kalau x dpt lesen pun, bukannya xley keja pun, kita ada degree". Yeah, dats rite. This is not about degree or anything, this is all bout my dream. Ambition.
Aku nekad turun jumpa Quality Assurance with my good friend (Panod). I ask everything about the process. Aku hanya tersentak bila dia tnya.
QA: U semester brapa?
Me: Semester 2
QA: Rileksla. Awal lg. Kamu taw x brp ramai senior yg masih xda lesen.
Me: *kepala abah kau. jari tengahku untuk mu. aku ckp dlm hati la. Then i voice out, and said. Sir, sbb sy dtg jumpa sir la sy xnak masa depan kami jadi mcm diorg.
How come he could said like that. Aku tak bodoh untuk menyebabkan sejarah diulang kembali! Aku xmau menjadi sebahagian dr sejarah bdak MIAT yg xdak basic license. Berapa kerat sangatlah ada lesen. Where's ur pride MIAT?!
Before aku jumpa QA, i have met presiden jawatankuasa perwakilan mahasiswa. I ask for explanation about this. Aku mengaku aku terlalu kasar sbb aku ckp QA lembap lah apa lah. JPM knew the true story, but never told others. After argue with him for a few minutes, i stopped and thanked him for the explanation. Ikutkan hati nk demo ja lpas ni. But aku pasti tak ramai akan turun. Xdak kesedaran. No ppl care about this bullshit. Because kwn2 aku yg len bukannya amik port sgt. Yg taw dapat duit MARA, enjoy. I come here with one vision. Dan aku bukan org yg tahan jika ditindas. Aku pasti bangkit mencari kebenaran.
And then, seriously, everyday, I think about my future. How to get into an airline or MRO if they only accept ppl that have basic license only. After a few weeks, one of the JPM contacted me through fb. Thank to Hazim coz invited me to join the discussion with dean. Along with JPM and other volunteer.
Dean managed to open my mind, to think out of the box. Yeah. Thats true, our degree can give us advantage for higher position. But still not able to become LAME. And about that, they are trying the best to get the approval.
Apapun, aku nekad untuk sit for EASA Part 66 exam. I dont want to waste my time anymore. Rather than I wait until kucing boleh terbang, better i find new solution.
I will never give up. NEVER. INSYAALLAH.